The Brandon Cohea Family
We are the Coheas! Our lively, fun and closely knit family is our first ministry, and we make every effort to have Christ at the center of our lives. We are committed to the Bible’s teaching, growing and learning together as the Holy Spirit leads and honoring God in whatever it is we choose to do. While there are plenty of mistakes made, and the occasional tantrum that may or may not be handled with Grace, there is so much love to sweeten the deal! In our home, we make every effort to encourage each other, seek wisdom, love one another and have all the fun we can!
The Johnson Family
The Johnsons have three beautiful children. Tyler served in the United States Army for three and a half years and has a heart for the land of the free. They raise their children to love the Lord and to be unashamed of it. They believe in being a part of Awake to stand strong in God and in our country.
The Aaron Cohea Family
We are in love with the most High, and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ! We want and desire , and intend with full-belief and without wavering of doubt in Awake 1776 to support Our country and our brothers and sisters in Christ. To fight to keep the land of the free. Where freedom isn’t free. We believe in the word of God , and that Christian’s must strive, and fight! Fight the good fight of faith! Be that beacon , a shining light.
The Billy Cohea Family
We both worked in ministry before we were married in 1991. We have three children and currently 10 grandchildren. After we were married, we worked together doing youth, VBS and family ministries. Billy worked as a Superintendent in a Carpenter Union in the Bay Area in California. We went into full time ministry in 2011. We are excited to be a part of Awake1776 bringing Patriot Christians together to support each other!